Cloud Cookie Documentation

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To use Cloud Cookies on any site, embed the CloudCookie JavaScript SDK:

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Example - Chaining methods

CloudCookie uses JavaScript promises to easily and neatly chain multiple commands together. All methods return a promise, and can therefore be easily chained together. New to promises? Don't worry, they are simply a more organized way of dealing with asyncronous requests, learn more here. The following shows an example of initializing, setting, and getting a cookie in a single chain.


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The ready method is invoked once the CloudCookie SDK has been successfully loaded.

Method: CloudCookie.ready()
Returns: A promise
Arguments: none


  //Do something
  console.log("Cloud Cookie is ready!");


Configure Cloud Cookie for your use case.

Method: CloudCookie.config( configuration_object )
Returns: A promise
Configuration object parameters
public_access_token required when using NPM install, optional when using CloudCookie.js from CDN
Data type: string
A token that identifies your account. The public_access_token in the examples on this page are specific to your account.
use_cloud_cookie optional
Data type: string
Possible values: 'always' or 'fallback'
Default: 'always'

Cloud Cookies have 2 modes:

always: Cookies are always stored on the cloud. This enables cookies across multiple domains, and deeper analytics.
fallback: Cookies will be stored locally when allowed by a particular browser, and stored on the cloud when disallowed by the browser. This will result in faster average response times.

security optional
Data type: string
Possible values: 'standard' or 'strict'
Default: 'standard'

Cloud Cookies have 2 security options:

standard: Standard security can identify a unique visitor 99.9+% of the time on all browsers. It is ideal for most applications, but isn't recommended for sensitive data.
strict: Strict security mode will only store data when a unique visitor can be 100% identified. Hence it is safe for more sensitive data, but will not store data in some browser configurations.


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Used to create a cloud cookie, or override an existing cookie for the given name.

Method: CloudCookie.set( cloud_cookie_object )
Returns: A promise containing the cloud cookie object (eg {name: 'foo', value: 'bar'})
Cloud cookie object parameters:
name required
Data type: string
Identifier for the cookie
value required
Data type: string, integer, float, boolean, array, or object
The content/data for the cookie
days_until_expiration optional
Data type: integer or float
Default: 7
The number of days until the cookie is deleted


  return CloudCookie.set({
    name: 'foo',
    value: 'bar',
    days_until_expiration: 7
  //example cookie_response: {name: 'foo', value: 'bar'}
  console.log("Cookie has been set!");


Used to fetch a previously set cloud cookie.

Method: CloudCookie.get(name)
Returns: A promise containing the fetched cloud cookie object (eg {name: 'foo', value: 'bar'})
name required
Data type: string
Identifier for the cookie previously used in the CloudCookie.set method


  return CloudCookie.get('foo')
  //example cookie_response: {name: 'foo', value: 'bar'}
  console.log("Cookie value is "+cookie_response.value);


Used to delete a previously set cloud cookie.

Method: CloudCookie.delete(name)
Returns: A promise containing the deleted cloud cookie name
name required
Data type: string
Identifier for the cookie previously used in the CloudCookie.set method


  return CloudCookie.delete('foo')
  //example cookie_response: 'foo'
  console.log('Cookie '+cookie_response+' has been deleted!');

Error Handling

Errors can be handled using the native .catch functionality of JS promises.

  return CloudCookie.set({
    value: 'bar' // Oops, we forgot to set a name
  //do something
  //example err: {success: false, error: 'Cloud Cookie requires a name attribute to be set.'}

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